Wednesday, 27 November 2013


Hi Everyone!

How have you been and what have you been up to? Christmas is around the corner and that means we going to have some holidays, I'm excited to have atleast a day or two to SLEEP.

This dress has a special place in my heart. I love how simple yet stylish it looks though this wasn't the initial style I designed but while cutting, I realised the fabric would not be enough for a long dress and so made it short and I think it came out beautifully.

The touch of vintage in this dress does it for me really, I went  for a black pair of shoes and purse so as to keep the attention on the dress and decided to pack my high bun because it gives me a chic look that I like.

Do you like this dress as much as I do? Then you can make an order for yours, just email Teeshogs Clothier at

P.S- Praise can do what prayer can not do in an hour. Take a minute and just praise God, even if you have nothing to thank him for, thank him for life.

That's it.

                                                              My Outfit:
                                                           Dress- Teeshogs Clothier
                                                           Shoes- Steve Madden
                                                            Thanks for stopping by.... 

"Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me." JOHN 14:1 (KJV).


Sunday, 10 November 2013


   By ‘Seun Salami

Happy Sunday!

Here is a story my friend wrote and I find it interesting, so I thought I should share it with you.


118 BBM messages. 12 text messages. 28 missed calls.

Yet it took only about fifteen minutes. Fifteen minutes since I stepped into the bathroom. Fifteen short minutes since I updated my BlackBerry Messenger status with a picture of the ring on my finger and the words – Finally!!! Stone of Life! Yaaaaayyyyy!

To be honest, I didn’t expect this sort of response. Anyways, I’ve been enjoying every minute of it, soaking up all the love and attention and replying with Thanks hun,  I appreciate it darl, Soon luv, depending on the question and who had asked it.

Everyone knows that girls love it when a sister gets engaged. I know because I do too, and I have also always wanted to experience this feeling. This rock star feeling of being the centre of attention for at least a day, an otherwise ordinary day that suddenly feels like one’s birthday. I’ve always wanted to know how Juli felt the day Jerry gave her a ring in the most unusual way, the strangest way possible.

Juli had insisted on paying her grandmother a visit on her own birthday and spending the day with her. She said it was something she owed her grandma for all the love she showered on her while she lived with grandma for five years while growing up. Jerry seemed taken aback by this strange idea of the perfect birthday, not just because her grandma’s house was really far away, but because he honestly wasn’t quite sure about the idea of spending the whole of his girlfriend’s birthday with her grandma. How awkward? Besides, he had also planned to take Juli out and spoil her silly but that would now have to wait. He did bulge eventually, and Juli had her wish, although Jerry said he wouldn’t be able to take her there since he had to be at the office. They would celebrate in the evening when she returned.

Juli got much more than she had wished for, because few minutes after she got to her grandma’s house, excited, birthday cake in hand, her grandma decided to give her a gift – a surprise gift inside her wardrobe. “Wow! Must be a lovely dress,” Juli must have thought, running to quickly pull open her grandma’s huge wardrobe as grandma grinned sheepishly behind her.

“OH-MY-GOD!” Juli must have screamed. “Oh my God! Oh my God!!”

There was Jerry. Right inside the wardrobe. Yeah, you got it – he went on one knee. With one outstretched hand. He was holding a tiny red case. With a gad-damn blinged out stoneeee! Really, I would have written my expression on BBM as ‘OMMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG’.

I wonder why Juli did not faint. I for one would have fainted if Le Boo pulled such a crazy stunt on me. I would die of shock, I’m sure.

Well, Jerry didn’t just kneel there staring, he actually opened his mouth (and oh, those pink lips) and popped the question of life, “JULI, WILL YOU MARRY ME?”

Who would even think before answering such a question of life from a man like Jerry.

If you’ve ever seen Jerry or any of his pictures that Juli so witlessly flaunts on social media, you will understand. Juli didn’t say yes or no. She just kept screaming, and grandma kept grinning awkwardly both with envy and pride, if you know what I mean. Juli told us she snatched the ring from his finger and put it on her fourth finger by herself. She said she was so excited that Jerry even had to remind her that he was still inside the obviously sweltering wardrobe before she made way for him and hugged him saying “Thank you, thank you...”and then turning to her grandma, “Oh grandma, why didn’t you tell me?” with grandma continuing to smile awkwardly in return as I imagine a tear or two must have rolled down her cheeks.

And then Juli must have reached for her phone almost immediately, found a perfect bright spot and taken a picture of her hand with the ring on, because we soon saw her BlackBerry messenger status with the picture of the ring on her finger and the line:

OMG!!! Lover boy just popped the question – from right inside my grandma’s wardrobe. #Stunned #Lovestruck #Heaven

The ring was beautiful, to be quite honest, but I had mixed feelings immediately. I have always dreamt of doing this – taking a picture of my beautiful engagement ring and putting it up on my status for all to envy and there she was, Juli, my bitter-sweet friend, going one better. I felt the way Le Boo told me he felt the day he saw a picture of one of his friends posing in front of a glittering Nissan Murano, accompanied by the words New Car things – Oluwa lo seyi o!

The words of my pastor immediately came to my mind, along with his face – The fastest way to get anything you want in life is to thank God genuinely when God does that same thing for somebody else as though it was for you. That was the day I realised that certain things are easier said than done. All I could feel was bitterness mixed with joy whenever I enlarged the picture and zoomed in on the ring. 

Beautiful stone. To lie about that is to perish in the lake of fire.

That, basically, was my motivation for doing this. I had gone to window shop at a jewellery store yesterday and had tested the ring on my finger. And although the guy at the shop made it clear that they didn’t allow people take pictures of their rings, all I had to do was smile that my sexy smile for him and he couldn’t refuse me the honour. I had kept this picture anxiously until this morning and put it up shortly before stepping into the bathroom, and now I had all these calls and messages and I was feeling this much excitement and enjoying every little bit of it and all was well with the whole world. 

Until my phone rang again and then my heart skipped when I saw the Caller ID – Le Boo.

“Jeez! How did I leave him out of all these?” I thought, as my pulse suddenly began to race. I knew what he was about to say, certainly. He must have seen my update too and his friends must have called him. Now this is the right time to scream, OMG!

I touched ‘Answer’.

“Babe, what’s this engagement ring and proposal ish?” he lashed out immediately.

I should have told him. I should have sought his consent.

“Babe, are you there?”

“It’s just a joke bee. It’s April Fool.”

“Of course I figured, because there is obviously only one me. But is this not a bit too much for April fool?”

I imagined his trademark shrug as he continued speaking without waiting for a response. He must really trust me so much to think I can’t get an engagement ring from anyone else but him.

“Is it not a bit over the top to make our priceless love into an object of ridicule all in the name of a flimsy April fool concept?”

Oh dear. Le Boo can like to interpret things and speak plenty English sha.

“Now everyone is calling me saying congratulations and all what not, and I have to pretend like I know what this is about?”

I couldn’t say anything.

“Babe, I’m talking to you nau?”

“Bee, I’m sorry. I just thought it would be fun. It’s been fun actually.”

“Fun? Are you for real? Babe? Fun?”

He was quiet for a while and then he said, “Okay,” and hung up.

I sighed. Okay. I would deal with him later. I know how to handle my Le Boo. Meanwhile, here was a challenge I had to deal with. It would soon be noon. How do I end this whole prank in a really nice way without hurting anyone? Anyone else, that is. Already, my sister had sent a message saying that one of my Aunties had called my mum to congratulate her and they were both wondering what was going on. Now, Sister Grace, my by-force prayer partner in church has also sent me messages - all sorts of prayers about how God is so faithful and how He never leaves those who hold on to Him and trust Him and how God had told her that today was the day I would get something I had long desired.

I paused after I read that one. Now, this has become pretty serious. Why would anyone even bring God into this matter? Why did everyone suddenly forgot that this was April Fool’s Day? Now I am about to make God a liar?

Oh precious dear.

‘Seun Salami is the author of The Son of your Father’s Concubine. He tweets via @SeunWrites

                                                 Thanks for stopping by....


 ''I say then; Walk in the spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of flesh.'' GALATIANS 5:16


Thursday, 7 November 2013


I had written this post a thousand times in my mind, I was very skeptical about posting it on my blog because I hate to appear sensitive or emotional, then I thought, what if there is someone out there going through this same issue?

I have been thinking alot lately, It seems this 20 something age is having a toil on me, I'm at this stage where I have to be more of everything (Independent, responsible, career driven and purposeful).

Its a fun place to be but its also very overwhelming especially when you have no one to share the struggles and good times with. I hear you saying, but you are a twin and you have friends, yes I do, but have you ever been in a room full of people you know but you feel very lonely? I'm like that alot this days.


You have to wear your make-up nicely and dress nicely as well yet you are a mess inside because you are not sure if you made the right decisions, doing the right things or you are at the right place.

Let me take you back to when I was 20 and how I thought my life would have played out by now...Married to a God fearing man, Working for God or handling a ministry for him, have a business that is blooming and very happy and at peace with my life.

I'm not saying all this won't happen eventually, neither am I timing God, these states the importance of this post.

I have been doing some soul cleansing and talking to God alot these days and with that I came to a conclusion that for everything to go right, I need to first of all give God all.

I need to get to that place where I sincerely believe God is enough and I trust him totally. I'm not saying I don't have my doubting moments, I do but we need to learn to move from there.

God doesn't despise our baby steps, he wants to grow with us. That's what I have learnt. I'm reading alot of books about knowing God and the Holy Spirit.


Having placed the God factor in my life as my sole aim, I decided to divide the other spheres of my life into 5: Individuality, Independence, Relationships, Career, and Purpose.

Individuality- I do something's lately and I ask myself, Taiwo was that you? LOL! It seems to me like I'm growing to be a different person from who I used to be. I feel like I need to find myself (which I'm doing gradually). I like some of my new characters but I think some just stink(lol) though some of my friends like them because to them I'm better than I used to be (if you knew me, you would know I was unfriendly and I was pretty quiet) and this days I think I'm too nice and I talk too much.

I'm at that place where I feel I need to learn to keep my own company (not that I don't know how but I need to do a bit more like take myself out, spoil myself e.t.c), I need to learn to be happy and joyful on my own. I need to know who I am and learn to complete me before someone else can,  and all those personal stuffs. My values haven't changed much (I'm still pretty much old fashioned) but I can't seem to answer if I'm an introvert or an extrovert, I feel like I'm in between.

Independence: when I was younger, I had looked forward to this time of my life but its a different story now. I still live with my parents but that's all I have, accommodation and feeding. I make decisions for myself now without having to tell my mum or twin. Its a weird place to be and it is very overwhelming especially when it comes to my business decisions but it could be very interesting too.

I get scared of making the wrong decisions but I learnt that's where God comes in, I have to let him handle that and I just follow his lead. I need to learn to trust him totally.


Relationships: When I talk about relationships I don't mean the opposite sex alone. I want to grow and have meaningful relationships with both men and women meaning I will have to drop off some baggage's. As I grow older, I realize the importance of 'True Friendship' and I have come to know that a true friend isn't someone you see everyday but someone you know will always be there for you, this is the part where I thank God for giving me my one and only TRUE FRIEND (my twin Kehinde). A friend like this is rare but you will know when you have found one.

Some people think I'm too marriage oriented(if there is anything like that). I'm a sucker for love but I won't tell you I'm the best person to talk to about relationships(I'm quite knowledgeable in that area though, thanks to the uncountable books I have read and my church) but I have had my fair share of heart breaks like any girl my age and I must confess, it gets lonely sometimes being single and not having someone you can call yours(you know, the one you can call at midnight just to whine and he is ready to listen amongst other things) but I'm learning to let God handle this too, I can't say I want the best and I would meet/get him based on my own understanding.

I'm just learning to be a better person and grooming myself while I wait,as my (spiritual) big sister will say, my waiting period is a very essential part of my life, where I know my purpose and define my walk with God. Once married, I can't take this time back.


Career: This is a major part of my life right now. I quit my full time job for business not because I'm strong but honestly I just felt I had to make a decision and I must say, it has been an awesome experience and I have enjoyed the journey so far but I still worry if I made the right decision, maybe I should have worked some more, maybe I should have asked God if that's what he really wanted me to do, will I succeed in this? Maybe I should have gotten capital before starting out, When will I meet my God sent helper?....I have so many questions but the Holy Spirit has been dealing with me lately, all he is asking me to do is drop it at God's feet. It reminds me of Matthew 6:27 ''Which of  you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?'' No matter how much I worry, I can't make a difference. I'm getting to that place where I'm so tired of questioning and crying, but just asking him to take total control.

Purpose: I have been wondering and asking what I'm on earth for, what I'm meant to be doing, if I'm doing what God wanted me to do. Sometimes I think maybe I'm just meant to do things I enjoy and help others while at It but sometimes its not fulfilling so I'm guessing that's not my purpose.

Like one of my Pastors will say, 'You have to consciously and intentionally live a life of purpose', and for this to happen, I have to step back and check my relationship with God because he is the only one who can make my purpose known to me and help feel the void I feel .

I need to stop here, (sigh) that's me sharing the dark and grey areas of my life with you, do you have any?
                                                            Thanks for stopping by....

 ''I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me'' PHILIPPIANS 4:13


Saturday, 2 November 2013



How are you today? I have been thinking of how this year just few by, It's few weeks to Christmas and It feels like we said 'Happy New Year' yesterday and we are close to saying another. I am so thankful to God for all that I was able to accomplish this year, I'm not there yet but very close..

I was reluctant to do a post on how to tie this wrapper because I felt it was on every blog but if my readers want it, I have no choice but to give them, so enjoy...
You put your wrapper around you like the picture above.

you then fold in the ends of the wrapper

Twist abit then put them on top of eachother

You will twist the two ends together

After twisting round, you put them on top of eachother like twice depends on the thickness of the wrapper.

This was what it looked like after the first twist(I twisted it once because velvet is quite thick, if you are using silk or chiffon you can do 2-3 twist).

You tie the ends at the back.

You will tuck in the tied ends

Tuck round so it looks neat.

You will turn the wrong side of the wrapper inside, for mine, I use safety pin so it can stay well and won't open up when it gets breezy.

That's all.

I hope this was helpful.

Please email me your pictures when you tie yours and feel free to drop a comment if you know other ways to tie it.

                                                Thanks for stopping by.... 

"And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus". PHILIPPIANS 4:7.


Friday, 1 November 2013


Thank God it's Friday!!!

How was your day?  It is another Friday and its a new month *yaay*. We are here with another segment of Fashion Lover.

Today's fashion lover is a friend from secondary school who has a way of styling herself in an  adorable manner.

Let's decide if Akhere is a fashion lover.

FNL: In few words tell us about yourself?
Akhere: I am Akhere Omoijiade, a full-time System Analyst and a part-time model who loves spending time watching movies, reading my Bible, novels and biographies and also eating although its not evident in my appearance (lol).

FNL: What does fashion mean to you?
Akhere: Fashion to me means, showing my personality through clothes, not just apparels but clothes that make you feel comfortable and beautiful.

FNL: What inspires your style?
Akhere: Current fashion trends inspire my style
FNL: Describe your style in 3words? 
Akhere: My style is fun, bubbly but yet simple. I like to play and have fun with colours, as there's nothing exciting about dark colours.

FNL: Who are your style icons?
Akhere: Folake Huntoon & Khloe Kardashian

 FNL: What are your most favorite stores and why?
Akhere: Hmm... that's tricky because I get what I like not considering the store its from. But my personal favourites are Forever 21 and Vincci because their items correspond with my taste.

FNL: Who are your favorite designer brands and why?
Akhere: Again a tricky question well I would say Moofa, Orange culture and grey because they are very contemporary and edgy.

FNL: What are your favorite pieces in your closet?
Akhere: My shoes and jewellery.

FNL: What fashion item can you not do without?

Akhere: My high heels.

FNL: What is your take on the African Fashion Industry?
Akhere: The fashion industry Africa is taking shape and developing with tremendous speed. Nigeria itself can boast of wonderful designers like Lanre da Silva, Lisa Folawiyo, Funlayo Deri, Kola Kuddus and so on . The future is bright with designers like Lisa and Lanre da silva getting stands at Selfridges, it can only get better.
FNL: What won't you be caught wearing?
Akhere: I won't be caught wearing an ill fitted dress that doesn't accentuate or enhance the feminine features. There's beauty in the curves of a woman from the smile to the figure. Anything that doesn't flatter that is a no no for me.
FNL: What do you think about Fashion and Lover's blog?
Akhere: It is a very inspiring and informative blog, keeps me updated on the current styles and trends, especially on what to wear to weddings (Lol). You have achieved a lot in such a short while which is amazing. God bless you.

So have you decided if Akhere is a fashion lover?

To be part of the Fashion Lover segment on this blog, please send two of your pictures to You will be required to send more pictures and some details if your style is loved.

                                                      Thanks for stopping by.... 


" Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy". JAMES 1:2 (NLT)

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